Voting Highlights

Voting Highlights

Election Day is


We need your help to Get Out the Vote

In addition to voting yourself, you can amplify your impact by helping your friends, neighbours, and colleagues to get out to Vote Housing.

  1. Vote
    Make a plan to vote today if you didn't vote early.

    Find your polling station and local voting hours here >
    Learn about ID requirements (there are many options!) >

  2. Notify party leaders and your local candidates that you Voted Housing
    Send a letter to all party leaders and all candidates in your riding to let them know that you're Voting Housing. This is our last chance to get the message out to everyone who ran in this election!

    Send a message now >
  3. Help friends, family, and neighbours vote
    Make a list of 5 people who know who support Vote Housing, but may not vote today. Starting tonight:

    1. Email or text each friend the link to find their polling station
    2. Email or text each friend our page with party platform highlights
    3. If possible, offer to accompany your friend to the polls. Maybe go for a coffee afterwards!
    4. For friends who live farther away, plan a video chat with them after they vote.
    5. Ask each of your friends to send a message to their candidates and party leaders before they vote. This is our last chance to reach all parties and candidates!

Share an image on social media

You can also share your support for the campaign by sharing one of these Vote Housing images on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, or Snapchat. Simply download the image by right-clicking on your computer, or pressing down on the image on mobile. Be sure to include a link to in your post!



Let's 'Rise Up' and get out the vote!